Tag Archives: books

Writing Challenge: Details

The latest writing challenge at The Daily Post, “The Devil is in the Details,” prompts us to dive into the details: to practice our powers of observation to bring a person, place, event, scene, or anything else to life. To create a rich picture in a reader’s mind in three paragraphs. I’ve chosen to zoom in on one part of my home: my bookcase.

My Bookcase


I’ve always been fascinated by the bookcases in other peoples’ homes. I sit down on someone’s sofa and see what they have on their shelves, learning about what they read, what they think about, and what they collect. And now, I gaze up at my own bookcase in my living room — three black shelves bolted to the wall. When I moved into my home last year, I filled the middle shelf first, with hardcover books I’ve read and loved — or have yet to read and simply want to show off. Teju Cole’s Open City. Oliver Sacks’ Musicophilia. Jared Diamond’s Collapse. And a few recent favorites: Born to Run, about the elusive long-distance running tribe, the Tarahumara; and The Lost City of Z, a riveting nonfiction narrative from one of my favorite writers, David Grann.

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